Be contented. Be cheerful. Do not have a murmuring spirit. But give thanks for all the blessings in your life so that God can bless you more. Have a humble spirit, so that God can exalt you. Do not seek earthly things that will perish but seek the true treasures that will last and give fulfillment
and the Lord will answer you in your times of need. Seek the Lord on your knees and pray. Worship Him in truth and in spirit.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Got it all figured out?

OK so I sit here eating some yummy frosted flakes, looking at a blank word box wondering what thoughts I should through your way today. Then all of a sudden “Bamb!!!!” I know what I must say.... 

“Got it All Figured Out” Confused? Me too, just kidding. 

OK on with my thought.... 

Humans are pretty intelligent, don’t you think? We understand how storms are created. We map solar systems and transplant hearts. We measure the depths of the oceans and signal distant planets. We... have studied the system and are learning how it works. 

And, for some, the loss of mystery has led to the loss of majesty. The more we know, the less we believe. (really think about that) 

Strange, don’t you think? Knowledge of the workings shouldn’t negate wonder. Knowledge should stir wonder. Who has the more reason to worship than the astronomer who has seen the stars? Than the surgeon who has held a heart? Than the oceanographer who has pondered the depths? The more we know, the more it should amaze us! 

Ironically, the more we know, the less we worship..... We are more impressed with our discovery of the light switch than with the one who invented electricity.... Rather than worship the Creator; we worship the creation (Rom. 1:25). 

No wonder there is no wonder. We’ve figured it all out. 

Just a thought for the day. 

See ya!!! :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

He Always Takes Me BacK!!!

OK, so at my church I started this street evangelism group called FTH (Feed the Hungry). I originally started it but was afraid to be in charge of it, because… well actually I don’t really know why but anyway the right person is in charge of it now and it’s better that way because ill be going off to college next year and couldn’t be in charge of it, anyway. 

Well, last month when FTH went down town to feed the homeless a few ladies and I sat down with this man (I don’t remember his name so let’s call him John). So John began expressing his feeling towards religion period. Instantly, I realized this man was going to be an interesting person to communicate with. He expressed he messes up a lot and God doesn’t deserve someone like him; someone who constantly makes the same mistake repeatedly. I tried to tell him that we’re only human and God expects us to mess up again and again, because it’s in our human nature to do so. We can try as hard as we want, but no matter what we do it’ll never work, we will always mess up. God knew that, and that’s one reason His son Jesus died for us, so we could get to heaven. “Because the wages of sin is death” we would have never made it to heaven if it wasn’t for Jesus. 

I told John that I make mistakes all the time, whether it’s messing up and falling into old bad habits or if its finding myself lying. The mistakes can be anything but I confess them to God and every time, whether I think I deserve it, He takes me back. 

I recently make a huge mistake and honestly, I wished God could punish me somehow so I would learn from it. I always learn from my mistakes, but for some odd reason I seem to make it again. Sometimes it’s not for a long time like 4 months or a short period of time like 2 days, but either way it doesn’t matter because God loves me and he knows that I’m going to face temptation throughout my entire life. 

So why, with the knowledge that I have, make the same mistake again if I know it’s not right? 

Sometimes were so blinded by what we see and feel and ignore what God is trying to tell us. I may know that God is with me and I can count on Him to get me through these temptations, but sometimes… I don’t want his help. That is why I make the same mistakes repeatedly; because I try so hard to handle things on my own. I try so hard to say that everything is ok when there is something on my mind. I try so hard to tell God that I don’t need his help, that I can do it on my own. But clearly I can’t do it on my own because I keep falling into the same mistakes repeatedly, just because I want to be strong and do it on my own. 

After I messed up, I talked to God and confessed what I did. I was so angry at myself and wanted to commit the same sin again just because I was made that I fell into temptation again. For a couple of days I was really down because I hadn’t forgiven myself for it. I talked to God again and asked him to give me peace about it. He spoke to me and said:

“Taylor, I love you so much and I know you messed up but see how long you went without falling into that temptation? You are so amazing and I know you are stronger than you think”

Ok God didn’t really speak these words to me but this is what I felt like he was telling me. Soon after this I felt at peace with myself and could finally move on. God works in weird ways, but He always takes me back even when I don’t think I deserve it, he does. It’s because of God I stand here or…. write here, and it’s because of God that I know everything will always be ok. Sometimes the hardest part in life is trying to find the courage to forgive yourself, but one thing you can always count on is that God has got your back and he is lever going to let you fall. 

This story is an example of how God forgives us of our sins and I know many people feel like John (the homeless man I mentioned above) and I know it’s hard to even fathom that someone could or would want even want to take you back. But let me tell you, He does, and it honors him to have you back in his family. 

God has taught me so many things and I would love to go back to that park and find John again and share with him this story that God has given me to tell. This story that can somehow or some way relate to him. It may not be the same circumstance, but God does everything for a reason and this is the testimony I would like to share with him. I hope and pray that my blog will somehow benefit someone. 

God Bless. :)