Be contented. Be cheerful. Do not have a murmuring spirit. But give thanks for all the blessings in your life so that God can bless you more. Have a humble spirit, so that God can exalt you. Do not seek earthly things that will perish but seek the true treasures that will last and give fulfillment
and the Lord will answer you in your times of need. Seek the Lord on your knees and pray. Worship Him in truth and in spirit.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Journey

Who knows where life will take you. The road is long, but in the end, the journey is the destination." -Coach Whitey Durham
When you look at this picture how does it make you feel??

  • When I look at this picture It makes me feel that although the road may be long, some times empty and un predicting, the reword in the end is worth the hardships and trials. If we would stop looking at our feel or just ahead of us we would always remember that everything we go through in life has a purpose and the reword is greater then the journey there. In this picture look at how beautiful the end of the bridge leads you to. There are lots of people, water and fun! Just because the road your on seems long, doesn't mean that the reword is never coming. Keep looking up and never forget that there is something far more greater for your life then the situations your presently in! You are loved by so many, especially by God and He has a plan for your life! 
Please feel free to comment and let me know what feeling this picture places in your mind. There are no right or wrong answers so feel free to dig deep and really think about how you truly feel. Most importantly don't forget to have fun and be creative! 

Have a great day!:)