Be contented. Be cheerful. Do not have a murmuring spirit. But give thanks for all the blessings in your life so that God can bless you more. Have a humble spirit, so that God can exalt you. Do not seek earthly things that will perish but seek the true treasures that will last and give fulfillment
and the Lord will answer you in your times of need. Seek the Lord on your knees and pray. Worship Him in truth and in spirit.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week 7- Inspirational lyrics


Verse 1
O what mercy has been granted me
for the filthy rags I’ve worn
clothed in sacrifice to great to speak
and of new life reborn
still my darkness veils all the victories
that you’ve seen me through
the prisons I have counted each
a wall of sin so high I cannot reach
Jesus Christ who died for me
gave his life so that I could be free
he gave his life so that I could be free

Verse 2 
They come to you weary broken torn
and lay their sorrows at your feet
parched and hungry for a taste of joy and from suffering find retreat
but our silence veils all the answers
that they seek from you
children cry to see your face
poor men desperate for your arms of grace
Jesus Christ who died for them
by your scars we pray their wounds will mend
by your scars we pray their wounds will mend

Verse 3
Our God of grace
our deliverer
to you be glory and fame
all our treasures we have counted loss
for to surrender is to gain
but your hope unveils all the answers
and reveals the Truth
by the cross you made a way
you will bring us to your home one day
Jesus Christ for us you died
gave the world Your love though we denied

I heard this song for the first time last week on Pandora and ever since then I've been hooked!! God has been really ministering to me through these lyrics and I really wanted to share it with you all! At the rate I am at I probably listen to this song maybe 10 times a day if not more! I hope you all enjoy this song and have a great day! 

P.s Sorry about the video.. I couldn't find any other video for this song. So just kick back, relax and let God minister to your heart as He has done and continues to do to mine! Love you all!

P.s.s Week 8- write about your fears! Sorry I'm kind of behind.. eak!! Life is just a tad bit busy!!

God Bless

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 5- What makes you happy?

First off I would like to apologize to you all for slacking on my posts... I have been extremely stressed out with school lately and have been a little distracted.. I'll do my best to keep up this time I promise! 

What makes me happy?
There are so many things that come to my mind when I think of the word happy. Have you ever thought of what that word really means? Happy..

Having a sense of confidence in or satisfaction with (a person, arrangement, or situation)

In actuality I am really easy to please, simply seeing a beautiful painted sunset in the sky after a long hard day or taking a nice walk with friends dancing in the nice autumn rain can make my day. There is nothing like the smell of rain!! Its like God is washing every bit of filth away from every crack and crevice on this earth. I just love it!! =) 

I love the laughter of people and the smiles on there faces, I love giving and receiving hugs, the kind of hugs that are so warm and meaningful, the ones that really show you that they care. I love those long talks and long walks with my beautiful friends, or getting the chance to snuggled up with my warm blanket on a cold winter day at school, wile watching disney movies in the lobby, are all things that make me smile and brings joy to my heart. Actually talking about all this makes me really want it to be winter now. I can't wait to see the snow falling from the sky and watching people trying to "not" slip on ice as they make there journey to class in the mornings. haha I'm sure this sounds pretty terrible to hear me say such a thing, but hey they I'm sure they are laughing at me as well when I try to make it to class without slipping. =) 

I love this school and I love the people. My professors always make me smile even when I am in a bad mood. They care so much for me as a person, not only as there student. The school of music here will always bring a smile to my face though, no matter the day, time, or year. Although i am not a music major any more and though they give me a hard time about it, I still live in that building most days. They were my first family when i came to school 3 years ago! (wow 3 years ago!! :o) They all hold a little piece of my heart and mean the word to me, all because they care about me as if i were there family. 

I love to sing and play guitar and piano! Music just soothes my soul... God gave us a heart to worship and maybe that is why it brings peace to my mind. I can be having the worst day of my life and then go to choir and sing and while I am there all of my problems just seem to vanish into thin air.. And as I sing I can feel the hands of God holing me in his arms. I may not be the greatest singer in the world but as long as it means something to God that is all that should matter. I love my sisters and my friends with all of my heart and i love to be with them! God has so graciously blessed me with so many amazing people in my life and such amazing parents. I know my life hasn't been the greatest but I know that God will use me and is using me to change lives. God is my reason to smile, because if it wasn't for Him I would be a live right now and if it wasn't for Him I wouldn't be saved with the reassurance that everything will be ok one day, for He has a plan for my life and is watching out for me! I also love photography and the ability God has given me to capture the beauty he creatively placed in this world. I see this place in a different way, a different view then most people. That in itself is a blessing strait form God showing me how much He really does care about me. =) Whoever created the idea of "photography" was plain genius, because it is such a huge tool that God uses to reveal to the "whole world" the glory and beauty of who He really is.

I am so very blessed to be alive and there are so many things in my life worth smiling for, I just have to remember them and learn to open my eyes more often to enjoy the little blessing in life, gifts sent form God to bring a smile to my face. =)

Ok so i am 2 weeks behind.. everyone I am so sorry... Here is what last weeks journal was:

Week 6: Find a picture that describe how you are feeling right now and write about the picture. The picture can be one you('ve) took/taken or you can find it on the internet. I hope you all are doing well, have fun! 

God Bless! 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Week 4- Aspirations

           I decided to extend this entry for another week because “Aspirations” is a hard subject to cover… I have been trying to figure out what I wanted from this entry, I know what I want to be when I grow up.. I have dreams, I have plans, I have ideas.. Sometimes that is all they are going to be.. but what do I really want for my life, how important do I really see myself as? Where do I see myself in the next 10 years? These are all really hard things for me to answer about myself..
I have been feeling very weak lately and have been letting Satin get into my thoughts and he has been getting a hold of me and telling me that I am not good enough, that I can’t do it, so I might as well just give up now.. I have been fighting that for a while trying to convince myself that its not true.. That I am worth fighting for, that JC gave up his life so that I may live and be happy!
After I chose this topic and began to really think about my aspirations I realized that I couldn’t write this post yet. I new what I was going to say.. I was going to say that I didn’t want to be here, that I just wanted to be with God, where there is no pain, no sorrow, no hurting at all! Only happiness for everyone! I kept thinking about how awesome Heaven is going to be and then I would look at the world and my life and it would make me want that happiness even more.. It has been a constant battle for me to get through this but God has been with me and continues to be with me.. He is trying to show me that there is beauty in the world and that it isn’t all sad and broken.. My photography is an example of that.. God has given me the ability to capture the beauty in the world, but the only problem is that it doesn’t change the circumstances that you or I are in.. I have to just continue to trust and rely on God that he does do all things for good and that He does have a plan and purpose for my life despite how much I am hurting or struggling right now.. With that being said here are my aspirations for my life:

I want to be happy and I want to change lives! I want my life to be an example of Gods forever-mighty power that shows how He can transform a life of brokenness to something whole and new! Something BEAUTIFUL!  I want people to look at my life and say, “I want what she has!” It is extremely hard for I’m sure every Christian to have that strong faith all the time.. We are all only human and cant be perfect.. (a little thing I am trying to work on…) I want to be alive and well with a husband and kids some day. I want my life to be worth something that is meaningful and can be passed on to the future generation! I want to be able to love myself the way I am and appreciate everything I’ve got!

On a side note: I am at school right now and I was freaking out about a stupid class… Which in the long run wont even matter in my life.. I was approaching this class with the feeling that I may not be able to do very well and I was so scared and wanted to escape… The fact that I am probably going to fall short of my standards really upset me because I already felt like a failure.. I am not perfect and want to be very badly, so dealing with this is hard for me, but it is good because I can grow from this experience... A good friend had to point out to me that it is just a class and that it is ok to get a C or even a B, its not like when your married and have a family your going to look back and think “oh my gosh because of that stupid class my life is miserable right now…” its not going to be that way at all.. so I need to just let it go and stop freaking out about that so much! Yes you need to try your hardest in everything you do, but if you are not perfect in everything, that is alright.. We are not perfect and cannot be. =)

I hope that in some way these journal entry’s are helping you! For me I can’t even tell you how much its been helping me out! I have been discovering so much stuff about myself that I never new before! It’s actually helping me a lot more then I thought I would! I hope you all have a great week and realize how blessed you are!!

With lots of love

Next week Journal entry:
Week 5:
Think about the things in your life that make you smile, laugh, or just plain happy..  it can be a memory, inside joke, the picture of someone, or really anything that puts a smile on your face.. Ready.. get set.. have fun!!!