Be contented. Be cheerful. Do not have a murmuring spirit. But give thanks for all the blessings in your life so that God can bless you more. Have a humble spirit, so that God can exalt you. Do not seek earthly things that will perish but seek the true treasures that will last and give fulfillment
and the Lord will answer you in your times of need. Seek the Lord on your knees and pray. Worship Him in truth and in spirit.


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Daily Reflections With Jesus

Psalms 18:2

The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.

Fortress- a person or thing not susceptible to outside influence or disturbance.
Horn- in this passage it means strength
Stronghold- A stronghold is a defensive structure: Psalms 9:9 The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. misgav; properly, a cliff (or other lofty or inaccessible place); figuratively, a refuge: defense, high fort (tower), refuge.

I was flipping through my bible this morning after praying and came across this passage. I thought it was fitting for today. I am exhausted! It has been a very busy week of work and the only thing I dreamt about last night, was work. Only to wake up and have to work again today. I am just tired. But this passage refreshes me. The Lord is my strength, in other words, He is my caffeine for the day. Which I was just praying for before came across this passage. I prayed “Lord please give me strength for today, be my caffeine and help me be productive.” I love how the Lord takes our words in prayer and confirms them in scripture. I know the Lord hears my prayers, there is no doubt!

Until this morning I didn’t actually know what a stronghold was. I always thought of a stronghold as a negative thing. Like when you are going through inner healing and you are breaking off strongholds in your life. But strongholds are not always negative. According to the definition above, a stronghold is a defense structure, inaccessible place, fortress (not susceptible to outside influence or disturbance). When God is our stronghold we are untouchable, out of reach from the enemy. When He is our fortress we are protected from the world our distractions. Wow, I never understood this!

Today I am choosing to take refuge in Christ and allow him to be my stronghold. Today, I choose to allow Christ to be my fortress. Why wouldn’t we allow these things in our lives when they are here to protect us. The enemy may be at bay in your life but he is right there ready to attack as soon as our walls or defenses go down. He is just sitting, lurking, and waiting. Waiting to make his move. So, I choose to rest high in His fortress with Him as my stronghold, not susceptible to outside influence or disturbance. Every day we each have a choice. What are you going to choose?

Lord God, thank you for waking me up this morning. Thank you for the sunrise I get to watch as I sit on my patio. Thank you for your blessings that are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness! Lord right now I place you as my foundation. I claim you as my stronghold and fortress. I pray that your blood would cover me and protect me from the schemes of the enemy. I praise you for the productive day that I am going to have today and for always having my back. God today no matter what I go through, no matter how overwhelmed I may feel, I ask that you would help me to keep you as my center and my focal point of everything I do. I pray that I would be a light to my students on the other side of the computer screen and that they would feel your love as I teach them. Help me to have patience for myself and for them today, Lord! Today and every day I will face everything and rejoice and leave false expectations about reality behind. You get the glory no matter what! In your holy and precious name, amen!

Blessings Abundantly,


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